Nylon vs TPE Filament - Which One is More Elastic?

April 12, 2022


As 3D printing technology advances, the market for filaments has grown exponentially. With so many options available, it can be challenging to choose the right filament for your project. Two filaments that are commonly used in 3D printing are Nylon and TPE. In this blog, we will provide a factual comparison of Nylon and TPE filaments with respect to their elasticity properties in 3D printing. So, get ready to embark on a journey of elasticity!

What is Elasticity?

Elasticity is the ability of a material to return to its original shape and size after being stretched or compressed. In the context of 3D printing, elasticity is a crucial property, especially when designing functional prototypes and end-use products. A flexible and elastic material allows for more durability and ruggedness in parts that will be subjected to frequent and rough handling.

Nylon Filament

Nylon is a thermoplastic material known for its excellent durability, high tensile strength, and abrasion resistance. It has good chemical and water resistance, making it a popular choice in industries that require tough and reliable materials. Nylon filament is preferred for printing parts that need to withstand wear and tear in different conditions.

Elasticity of Nylon Filament

The elasticity of Nylon filament varies depending on the type of Nylon used. Nylon 6 has a rating of 3500-4000 MPa, while Nylon 12 has a rating of 1540 MPa. At the same time, Nylon 645 has a rating of 25 MPa, making it the most elastic of the three. Overall, Nylon filaments have a decent level of elasticity and can be used in various applications that require durability.

TPE Filament

Thermoplastic elastomers (TPE) are a group of flexible and rubber-like materials that combine the properties of thermoplastics and elastomers. They are known for their superior flexibility, excellent elasticity, and tear resistance, making them ideal for printing parts that require a high level of elasticity. TPE is the go-to material for printing toys, phone cases, seals, and other applications that require a soft and flexible finish.

Elasticity of TPE Filament

The elasticity of TPE filament ranges from 20-70 Shore on the A scale. The higher the Shore rating, the stiffer the TPE filament. For instance, TPE 80 Shore filament will be stiffer compared to TPE 60 Shore filament. Filaments with a lower Shore rating are more flexible than stiffer filaments. In general, TPE is the most elastic material among all 3D printing filaments.

Comparison of Elastic Properties

Nylon and TPE filaments have different levels of elasticity due to their distinct chemical structures. TPE has excellent elasticity and flexibility, making it ideal for printing parts that need a high degree of deformation without breaking. On the other hand, Nylon filaments have less elasticity but are more durable and abrasion-resistant, allowing them to print parts that require high toughness and longevity.

In conclusion, both Nylon and TPE filaments have unique properties that make them ideal for different 3D printing applications. Choosing the right filament depends on your project requirements, and each filament has its own advantages and disadvantages. Consider your needs, do your research, and make an informed decision.


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